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Application Details

  • Description: Blender is a free and open-source 3D creation suite. It supports the entirety of the 3D pipeline—modelling, rigging, animation, simulation, rendering, compositing and motion tracking, and even video editing and game creation.
  • Version: 2.79, 2.80, 2.80a and 2.83.2
  • Modules: blender/2.79, blender/2.80, blender 2.80a and blender/2.83.2 (preferred)
  • Licence: Free, open-source

Usage Examples

The example we will use for both session involves rendering an animation file file.blend

blender -b file.blend -E CYCLES -s 10 -e 500 -t 2 -a
  • -E CYCLES Use the “Cycles Render” engine. For a list of available render engines, run blender -E help.
  • -s 10 -e 500 Set the start frame to 10 and the end frame to 500.
  • -t 2 Use only two threads.

Interactive session

[username@login] $ interactive -p gpu
salloc: Granted job allocation 933039
Job ID 933039 connecting to gpu02, please wait...
Last login: Mon Apr  9 13:13:05 2022

[username@login] $ module add blender/2.83.2
[username@login] $ blender -b file.blend -E CYCLES -s 10 -e 500 -t 2 -a

Batch Job

The batch script would look like this for the same example:

#SBATCH -J jobname          # Job name, you can change it to whatever you want
#SBATCH -n 2                # Number of cores 
#SBATCH -o %N.%j.out        # Standard output will be written here
#SBATCH -e %N.%j.err        # Standard error will be written here
#SBATCH --gres=gpu          # use the GPU resource not the CPU
#SBATCH -p gpu              # Slurm partition, where you want the job to be queued 
#SBATCH -t=00:40:00         # Run for 40 minutes

module load blender/2.83.2
blender -b file.blend -E CYCLES -s 10 -e 500 -t 2 -a


This can be found at

Further Information

Modules | Main Page | Further Topics