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Application Details

  • Description:
  • Versions: V17.0, V17.2
  • Module names: ansys/v170, ansys/v172, ansys/182 and ansys/v193
  • License: Closed

Usage Examples

Job Submission Script

#SBATCH -c 1	# Number of CPUS per Node, Must be set to 1
#SBATCH --mem-per-cpu=4G  # Sets memory per CPU to 4GB
#SBATCH -J LS-DYNA  # Name of Job
#SBATCH -p compute # Use compute partition
#SBATCH -o %N.%j.%a.out  # Output file name
#SBATCH -e %N.%j.%a.err   # Error file name
#SBATCH --mail-user=your email address here

# Remove all loaded modules
module purge                             

# Load Ansys V17.2 & Intel MPI
module add ansys/v172            
module add intel/mpi/64/  

# Divide memory between cores

# This is the run command Note i specifies the input file, memory the memory available and ncpu the number of CPUs used
lsdyna i=all.k memory=${memory}M ncpu=$SLURM_CPUS_PER_TASK 
[username@login01 lsdyna5]$ sbatch ls-dyna.job
Submitted batch job 306050

Parallel Processing Options

There are two approaches to using multiple processing cores within a node with LS-DYNA. The first is Shared Memory Parallel processing which uses ncpu=X to define the number of cores to use. The alternative is Massively Parallel Processing (MPP) which uses the flag -np=X. To use MPP, you also need to use the -dis flag to enable distributed processing. The difference between these settings for one sample job can be seen below:

Original run: lsdyna memory=${memory}M i=all.k ncpu=5
 estimated total cpu time          =    290065 sec (      80 hrs 34 mins)
 estimated cpu time to complete    =    290061 sec (      80 hrs 34 mins)
 estimated total clock time        =     59061 sec (      16 hrs 24 mins)
 estimated clock time to complete  =     59059 sec (      16 hrs 24 mins)

Run using -dis flag: lsdyna memory=${memory}M -dis i=all.k ncpu=5
 estimated total cpu time          =     38261 sec (      10 hrs 37 mins)
 estimated cpu time to complete    =     38260 sec (      10 hrs 37 mins)
 estimated total clock time        =     45861 sec (      12 hrs 44 mins)
 estimated clock time to complete  =     45859 sec (      12 hrs 44 mins)

Run using "lsdyna -dis memory=${memory}M pr=aa_r_dy i=all.k -np 5"
 estimated total cpu time          =     20336 sec (       5 hrs 38 mins)
 estimated cpu time to complete    =     20336 sec (       5 hrs 38 mins)
 estimated total clock time        =     22135 sec (       6 hrs  8 mins)
 estimated clock time to complete  =     22134 sec (       6 hrs  8 mins)

Further Information

Special License Applications | Main Page | Further Topics