From HPC
[hide]Programming Details
Perl is a family of high-level, general-purpose, interpreted, dynamic programming languages. The languages in this family presently are Perl 5 and Perl 6.
When programming with Perl in an HPC environment you will need to change the first line as shown below |
#!/usr/bin/env perl
Programming example
Non MPI program
#!/usr/bin/env perl # # HPC # IT Department # Hull University # # Written by DBird 25/12/2020 # ---------------- Modules ------------------------------------------ use strict; # perform error checking # ---------------- Variables ---------------------------------------- my ($i); # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # ---------------- Main Program ------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------- for($i = 0; $i < 1000; $i++) { print "A-->$i\n"; } # ---------------- finish up and exit ------------------------------- exit;
This program does not contain any MPI directives and is shown simply for demonstrative purposes.
Although PERL does support MPI, its implementation is quite limited compared to C, C++, and Fortran. |
MPI program
#!/usr/bin/env perl # # HPC # IT Department # Hull University # # Written by DBird 25/12/2017 use Parallel::MPI::Simple; MPI_Init(); my $rank = MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD); if ($rank == 1) { my $msg = "Hello, I'm $rank"; MPI_Send($msg, 0, 123, MPI_COMM_WORLD); } else { my $msg = MPI_Recv(1, 123, MPI_COMM_WORLD); print "$rank received: '$msg'\n"; } MPI_Finalise(); exit;
Running the program
The program could be executed in the following way for test purposes on the login node:
[username@login01 ~]$ module add perl/5.24.0 [username@login01 ~]$ perl
Batch example
#!/bin/bash #SBATCH -J openPERL-node #SBATCH -N 1 #SBATCH --ntasks-per-node 20 #SBATCH -o %N.%j.%a.out #SBATCH -e %N.%j.%a.err #SBATCH -p compute #SBATCH --exclusive #SBATCH --mail-user= your email address here echo $SLURM_JOB_NODELIST module purge module add perl/5.24.0 export I_MPI_DEBUG=5 export I_MPI_FABRICS=shm:tmi export I_MPI_FALLBACK=no perl /home/user/PERL/
[username@login01 ~]$ sbatch demoPERL.job Submitted batch job 4289352