From HPC
Application Details
- Description: HyPhy (Hypothesis Testing using Phylogenies) is an open-source software package for the analysis of genetic sequences (in particular the inference of natural selection) using techniques in phylogenetics, molecular evolution, and machine learning
- Version: 2.2.7
- Module: hyphy/2.2.7/gcc-6.3.0/openmpi-2.0.2
- Licence: Open source
Usage Examples
Currently its available only after through interactive session. its not possible to run it on login nodes of Viper
[username@login01 ~]$ module add hyphy/2.2.7/gcc-6.3.0/openmpi-2.0.2
[username@login01 ~]$ module add hyphy/2.2.7/gcc-6.3.0/openmpi-2.0.2
There are two binaries available.
- HYPHYMP is openMP implementation that could utilise more than 1 processors.
- HYPHYMPI is MPI implementation that could run on single or multiple nodes.