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Revision as of 13:10, 3 August 2017 by Chris.collins (talk | contribs) (Batch Session)

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Application Details

Usage Examples

Interactive Session

[user@login01 ~]$ interactive
salloc: Granted job allocation 409670
Job ID 409670 connecting to c128, please wait...
[username@c128 ~]$ module load bayesTrait/3.0.0
[username@c128 ~]$ BayesTraitsV3 /trinity/clustervision/CentOS/7/apps/bayesTraits/3.0.0/Mammal.trees bob.tress
BayesTraits V3.0 (Mar  2 2017)
Mark Pagel and Andrew Meade

Batch Session


#SBATCH -J BayesTrait # Job Name
#SBATCH -N 1      # Number of  Nodes to use
#SBATCH  -n 28   # Number of CPUs
#SBATCH -o %N.%j.%a.out # Output file name
#SBATCH -e %N.%j.%a.err  # Error file name
#SBATCH -p compute       # Partition to run on
#SBATCH --exclusive       # Instructs SLURM to not run any other job in the node(s) selected

module add bayesTraits/3.0.0
BayesTraitsV3 Mammal.trees bob.tress < command.txt

[user@login01 ~]$ sbatch bayestrait-test.job
Submitted batch job 409671

Further Information

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