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Application Details

  • Description: Bridger is an efficient de novo trascriptome assembler for RNA-Seq data.
  • Version: r2014-12-01, r2014-12-01.1 and r2014-12-01.2
  • Module: bridger/r2014-12-01, bridger/r2014-12-01.1, and bridger/r2014-12-01.2
  • Licence: GNU

Usage Examples

Bridger is an efficient de novo trascriptome assembler for RNA-Seq data. It can assemble all transcripts from short reads (single or paired) without using a reference. The software expects as input RNA-Seq reads in fasta or fastq format, and ouput all assembled candidate transcripts in fasta format. Briefly, it works in two step: first, Bridger partitions the sequence data into many individual splicing graphs, each capturing the full transcriptional complexity at a given gene or no more than a few genes. Then,

Bridger uses a rigorous mathematical model called minimum path cover to search minimal set of paths(transcripts) that can be supported by our data and could explain all observed splicing events of each locus.


[username@login01 ~]$ module add boost/gcc/1.61.0

[username@login01 ~]$ Assemble -h

     Usage: Assemble [--reads/--kmers] <filename>  [opts] 

[username@login01 ~]$ --seqType fq --left reads.left.fq --right reads.right.fq --CPU 6

Further Information

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