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GitHub is a web-based hosting service for version control using Git. It is mostly used for computer code. It offers all of the distributed version control and source code management functionality of Git as well as adding its own features.


GitHub clients are available for Windows too; see

Although this will bias towards the Linux command line which is the same as our HPC.

Clone repository

If you just want to download another public repository then this can be downloaded from the GitHub web page itself or within the HPC (Linux) command line as follows:

 $ git clone

Create repository

First you need an account on GitHub (or GitLab)

  • Create a repository on Github under your account (on a Web page)
  • Then under Linux: -

Getting started

The first thing you should do when you install Git is to set your user name and email address. This is important because every Git commit uses this information, and it’s immutably baked into the commits you start creating:

$ git config --global "Darren DeLovely"
$ git config --global []

Again, you need to do this only once if you pass the --global option, because then Git will always use that information for anything you do on that system. If you want to override this with a different name or email address for specific projects, you can run the command without the --global option when you’re in that project.

Upload repository

 $ git clone<myacc>/<myrepol>
 $ cd myrepo1
 $ git init
 Initialized empty Git repository
 $  <do whatever you need to do>
 $ git add -A
 $ got commit -a
 $ git push

Update a repository

 $ git clone<myaccount>/<myrepro>
 $ cd <myrepo>
 $ <do whatever you need to do>
 $ git add -A
 $ got commit -a
 $ git push

Next Steps
